Traffic Ticket Defense in Racine, Kenosha, Milwaukee

Top Racine Traffic Ticket Lawyer

Don't just pay that speeding ticket!

RACINE DEFENSE: best, local traffic ticket attorneys in Racine!

A recent USA Today article claimed that 1 in 6 Americans receives a speeding ticket each year. That comes out to about 41 million tickets each year! At RACINE DEFENSE, we believe that 6 in 6 of those drivers should be hiring us as their traffic ticket lawyer to help them defend their speeding or traffic ticket. Here's why:

1. Traffic tickets "cost" more than the fine. 

As experienced a traffic ticket attorney knows, the fine listed on the top-right corner of the ticket is not the entire "cost" of a speeding ticket. Here is a short list of the additional "costs" of a speeding ticket or traffic ticket:

  • License suspension: some speeding tickets and other traffic tickets come with a mandatory license suspension regardless of whether you have any other traffic tickets on your record. If a person has more than one suspension in a 12-month period, then he or she could lose ALL DRIVING PRIVILEGES. As your traffic ticket attorney, we can work to negotiate your ticket to a non-suspension ticket.
  • Demerit Points: Most traffic tickets have mandatory "demerit points," which can result in a license suspension if you accumulate too many over a 12-month period. As your traffic ticket attorney, we can work to negotiate your ticket to have less demerit points. This is especially important where the driver has a probationary license, as the demerit points accumulate faster than a driver with a regular license.
  • Commercial driver's license: If you hold a commercial driver's license (CDL), then you MUST hire an experienced traffic ticket attorney. Certain traffic tickets can disqualify you from a CDL for a year. Repeated traffic tickets could cause a permanent or lifetime CDL disqualification. Hiring an experienced traffic ticket attorney like RACINE DEFENSE can protect your CDL.
  • Insurance rate increases: Although each insurance company determines rates and premiums differently, they all agree on one thing: traffic tickets are bad for you. negotiating tickets, even for an increased fine, still saves you money. If you get a speeding ticket on your record, that will probably negatively (increase) your premium for three years! Just think — if your insurance premium goes up $25 a month because of a speeding ticket, over three years, then you just cost yourself almost a $1000 by not fighting your ticket. At RACINE DEFENSE, we can work to negotiate your traffic ticket to a non-moving, non-traffic ordinance that the insurance company will not hold against you.

2. We save you time.

Let me emphasize that we handle it for you. That means that after you hire us, you don’t have to go to court. We go. You don’t. That time and stress savings is usually worth most of our fee right away. We see the lines at the courthouse and the hours that people wait for their names to be called. Traffic court day (or night, for the municipalities) is a nightmare. We can help you escape that.

3. We know better. 

Often we get people who ask, "will I get the same result if I go by myself?" As experienced traffic ticket attorneys, the response is simple: "that depends." Over years and hundreds upon hundreds of traffic tickets resolved, we know the prosecutors and judges well. We know how far they will bend to resolve a ticket, and what things they like to see (or not see). That experience over the years guarantees that we will get the best result for your ticket. 

Taken together, you should not simply pay a speeding (or other traffic) ticket. You should rely on the expertise of a traffic defense attorney to save you in both demerit points but more importantly, insurance premium fees. Don’t feel ashamed — 1 of 6 people you know should have called us, too!

For more helpful information, check out this USA Today article:



“Brian made everything so easy and simple and went above and beyond my expectations!”
— George, 8-26-15 (via
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We offer free consultations to potential clients who contact our office. Whether by phone, by email, or in person, we are happy to speak with persons who believe that might be in need of an attorney, especially a criminal defense attorney.

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308 Sixth Street
Racine, WI 53403